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Providing administrative and legislative services to foreign entities in countries:

Czech Republic Slovakia


About us

Joining specialists from different fields and their long-year expertize we managed to create a unique project that provides our foreign clients complex services that consist in dealing with issues without the need to personally travel to the Czech Republic or Slovak Republic. 

We specialize in:
  • acquisitions of real estates and companies, 
  • rent of real estates or other assets, 
  • establishment of companies,
  • providing the services in law, accounting, taxes, property management or dealing with the state authorities. 

The key benefit for our clients is that all services are done remotely, where the client is not forced to travel – you can stay in your country and we manage your issues as your agent. 

Our major advantage is the knowledge of the local conditions and the complexity of our services. Our team comprises of lawyers, accountants, tax specialists, real estate agents, real estate valuation experts and economists specializing in real estate and company acquisitions.

We have many years of experience in providing these services to foreign investment funds as well as local individual clients.


Our Services

(Czech Republic, Slovakia)

  • We search for a property according to your requirements
  • We carry out an online tour of the property (via Viber or WhatsApp or Viber) and show you everything you want to see in real time
  • We arrange a technical inspection of the property
  • We take care of all steps leading to the acquisition of the property, including the conclusion of the necessary contracts and with the guarantee of legally sound real estate, as well as steps to ensure all supplies to the property such as electricity, gas, water, sewerage etc.
  • We arrange the real estate insurance and deal with insurance claims
  • We find a suitable tenant, conclude the lease agreement and monitor the payments
  • We provide all legal services through a cooperating lawyer 
  • We take care of your property - solve repairs, insurance issues, negotiate with energy suppliers, arrange payments for energies, insurance, process the real estate taxes, records of payments and rent collection, search for new tenants
  • Every year we will prepare the documents for the tax return and we will file your tax return


(Czech Republic, Slovakia)

  • We will search for a property according to your requirements
  • We will carry out an online tour of the property (via Viber or WhatsApp or Viber) and show you everything you want to see in real time
  • We will take care of all steps leading to the acquisition of real estate / signing of a lease agreement 
  • We will provide all legal services through a cooperating lawyer 
  • We will represent you in negotiations with the foreign police and other state authorities


(Czech Republic, Slovakia)

  • We will establish a company with the registered office in the Czech Republic on your name (limited liability company or joint-stock company)
  • We will provide the address of the company's registered office
  • We will ensure the registration of the company with the tax office, trade register and other institutions
  • We will open a bank account
  • We will carry out the accounting and process the taxes
  • We will provide legal services
  • For your idea: We are able to establish the company within 5 days.


(Czech Republic, Slovakia)

  • We will conduct the professional due diligence of the target company: economic, personnel, legal, tax, technical, etc.
  • We will provide complete legal services before, during and after the acquisition
  • we will assist you in all steps during the acquisition


Can we help you with anything else?
Please let us know. As long as it is legal, we will be happy to support you.



Zengrova 2009/12
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic

IČ: 71551981
DIČ: CZ7903220281

Phone: +420 517 070 138

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